About Me

The Way Running Business Should Be…

Flexible. Scalable. Fun.

I believe time shouldn’t be a luxury. Through clear processes, simplified systems and rock-solid support in your business, you can have more time to focus on your zone of genius, family, friends, and play.

I also believe that having a little extra help doesn’t make you any less of a business owner. In fact, that’s where true leadership emerges from. Extra help carves the way to extra time, time that you can spend on scaling your business, widening your impact and to 10x your authority.


You can have it all - you just have to define what “all” means.

Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m Emily Allen, a Virtual COO (Chief Operating Officer) turning overburdened entrepreneurs into fearless leaders, so they can grow manageable, profitable and scalable businesses.

In simpler words? I create experiences that help my clients lead better, easier and happier lives – LESS stress, MORE progress.

I have 15+ years’ experience in the corporate world, planning growth-centric strategies, organizing gigantic projects, leading high-performing teams, solving unforeseen problems, and helping with timely execution.

And now...?


You are a passionate creator, a powerful influencer, and a thought-leader. Someone who has a fierce will to lead and succeed. You believe in growth – the kind that challenges you to learn, innovate and create new things.

Building a business is one thing. Building your dreams? Is a whole new ball game. But you’ve done it. You’ve accomplished what most people just dream about. Was it easy breezy? No, it wasn’t, but it’s your vision and commitment that made it all possible. So most days, you feel pretty darn good about yourself.

…And then it happens.

You look in the mirror and realize what you have lost in the process. When you first started your business, you imagined having the ultimate freedom of being your own boss… working from a coffee shop, making money on autopilot…spending secluded time on the beach… but your dreams were quickly dashed with a never-ending list of tasks + projects that demand your immediate attention.

You wake up feeling anxious about work – as if you didn’t get enough done the day before. Always putting out fires, instead of focusing on things that will help you GROW your business.

Deep down, you know that this way of doing business won’t sustain you for long. You need a strategic plan of action, systems, and processes to optimize all aspects of your business.

And me? That’s exactly where I come in…

To simplify your business for a happier and more fulfilling life.

Strategizing to create a rock solid business plan that helps you serve at the highest level and amplify your authority.


Automate, delegate and optimize your operations for timely execution, more time and more flexibility.


Ultimately, allowing you to do what you do best and getting the never-seen-before ROI on your efforts.

In short?

Strategize + Systemize + Monetize = More Space, More Success, More Freedom. #YesPlease.


BEST PART: I handle it all for you. Ready to accelerate your growth WITHOUT increasing your workload?

Click here to check out how we can roll together.

Wanna know more about me?

Okay! So here are 5 random facts about me.

  1. I’m originally from a tiny, rural town outside of Appleton, WI. I grew up on a dairy farm; real, raw and refreshingly authentic.

  2. I’m a mom to 3 cute kiddos and wife to a wonderful hubby. I’m blessed to have a business that helps me spend crazy good time with my family.

  3. Anything with sugar is my weakness - especially a good brownie, licorice or starburst! Yummmm.

  4. I have a crazy need for everything to be super organized and streamlined. Hey! Don’t judge me. That makes me a phenomenal Project Manager and Business Coach (I LOVE the work I do).

  5. That’s what I hope to do for you…help you do your absolute best with a clear long-term business vision, codified processes & systems, and a support team behind you.

Ready to create a manageable, profitable & scalable business?


Here’s to your success,
